Photo of Chris Brennan


Chris Brennan is a Solutions Engineer in our Emerging Business and Technology team and he recently spoke to Silicon Republic for Automation Week

In the interview, Chris talks about the skills he uses to meet the challenges of the job, how the role and sector are evolving and his advice to anyone wanting to move into a similar career. He explains how his working time is a blend of software architecture design, software engineering and leadership, and the work he recently did an on AI-enabled vehicle insurance project. 

Chris says what he loves is 'the satisfaction I get from this type of work. It’s our insurance that genuinely helps people, sometimes to buy a house or a car, other times for medical care and even to put things back together as quickly as possible when things aren’t going so well for them. So, working in this area, when something we have designed and developed can have a massive impact on somebody’s life, well that’s just incredible and makes it all the more worthwhile.'

Read the full interview here. 



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